名称:Amanda the Adventurer 类型:独立 开发商:MANGLEDmaw Games 发行商:DreadXP 系列:DreadXP,Amanda the Adventurer 发行日期:2023 年 4 月 25 日 X Discord 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 在Steam 上查看“DreadXP”全合集作品
在Steam 上查看“DreadXP”全合集作品 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 购买Amanda the Adventurer 2 ¥ 42.00 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 ABOUTAmanda the Adventurer 2 follows Riley Park, who, after seeing what was contained on the mysterio...
Amanda the Adventurer follows a freemium (demo) model, allowing players to download and play the DEMO game for free. The game is available on Steam for the price of €8.79.However, it includes optional in-app purchases for cosmetic items and convenience. The game offers a fair balance ...
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Amanda the Adventurer 2: Lucia Lobosvilla, Blair Osako-Greene, James Pratt के साथ. Amanda the Adventurer 2 follows Riley Park, who, after seeing what was contained on the mysterious tapes in their attic, travels to the Kensdale Public Libr
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Amanda the Adventurer 2: Lucia Lobosvilla, Blair Osako-Greene, James Pratt के साथ. Amanda the Adventurer 2 follows Riley Park, who, after seeing what was contained on the mysterious tapes in their attic, travels to the Kensdale Public Libr
在Steam 上查看“DreadXP”全合集作品 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 购买Amanda the Adventurer 2 ¥ 42.00 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 ABOUTAmanda the Adventurer 2 follows Riley Park, who, after seeing what was contained on the mysterio...