Amanda the Adventurer Iniciar sesión para calificar Calificación global de los jugadores 4.43Calificación promedio: 4.43 estrellas de cinco estrellas en un total de 426 calificaciones 426 calificaciones 72 % 16 % 3 % 1 % 8 % Información legal y del juego ¡Únete a Amanda y a ...
DreadXP•動作與冒險 Xbox Series X|S 專屬強化 智慧傳遞 14 種支援語言 輔導級 15 歲 此內容已遭鎖定 描述 萊利·帕克繼承了凱特阿姨的房子後,開始尋找隱居的阿姨留下了什麼東西。在閣樓裡,萊利驚訝地在舊電視機旁邊發現一疊VHS錄影帶。這些錄影帶只有按照集數標記,沒有其他內容介紹。好奇心使然,萊利把第一片...
Amanda the Adventurer DreadXP•Azione e avventura Ottimizzato per Xbox Series X|S Consegna intelligente 14 LINGUE SUPPORTATEACQUISTA 8,99 €PEGI 12 Violenza moderata, HorrorDETTAGLI RECENSIONI ALTRO Raccolta Questo contenuto è bloccatoIMMETTI LA TUA DATA DI NASCITA Questo contenuto è bloccato...
14 Supported languages BUY 8,99 € PEGI 12 Nedidelis smurtas, Siaubas Description Having inherited their Aunt Kate’s house, Riley Park starts exploring what the reclusive woman left behind. In the attic, Riley is surprised to find a stack of VHS tapes next to an old TV set. The tapes...
名称:Amanda the Adventurer 类型:独立 开发商:MANGLEDmaw Games 发行商:DreadXP 系列:DreadXP,Amanda the Adventurer 发行日期:2023 年 4 月 25 日 X Discord 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 在Steam 上查看“DreadXP”全合集作品
Amanda the Adventurer (Asia) (중국어(간체자), 한국어, 영어, 일본어, 중국어(번체자)) 로그인하고 별점 주기 전 세계 플레이어 별점 4.44총 436별점으로부터 5개 별 중 평균 4.44개 별 436개의 ...
To unlock the other endings, you need to solve different puzzles and give specific answers. Here's how to experience all five endings in Amanda the Adventurer. Ending 1: A Gruesome EndThis is the standard ending that you get when you complete your first playthrough. You can also get this ...
There are four lore tapes in Amanda the Adventurer 2 and one extra cassette tape. There's a green, red, teal, and orange lore tape that can be unlocked through various puzzles throughout the playthrough. The color tape you discover will change depending on the order of the puzzles you fin...
Amanda the AdventurerMANGLEDmaw Games | DreadXP | Released Apr 2023 summary articles reviews files mods videos images Having inherited their Aunt Kate’s house, Riley Park starts exploring what the reclusive woman left behind. In the attic, Riley is surprised to find a stack of VHS tapes next...
英文名称:Amanda the Adventurer 游戏类型:动作冒险类(ACT)游戏 游戏制作:MANGLEDmaw Games 游戏发行:...