${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/drivers/boot/ sbl_uart_uniflash Flashing application that is run on the EVM to receive files to flash sbl_ospi OSPI bootloader application that needs to be flashed at offset 0x0. When in OSPI boot mode, this bootloader application will boot the user application ...
移植Linux操作系统,需要将 WIC 映像写入 SD 卡,并设置SD card boot启动。 首先单击“下载”,然后选择 PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-AM64X 或 PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-RT-AM64X,接着下载tisdk-default-image-am64xx-evm.wic.xz,如图6所示。 图6 AM64x默认的Linux系统WIC映像文件下载 其次,可以使用balenaEtcher,脚本script...
${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}in this user guide refers to the path, including the SDK folder name, where the SDK is installed. Example, in Windows,${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}will refer to the pathC:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_{soc}_{version} You can also browse, download and install the SDK using ...
在这个文件夹里面,@Prog-Boot+App.bat 是手工创建的,里面执行了简单的python命令,sbl_ospi.release.tiimage、sbl_uart_uniflash.release.tiimag是从 C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_0x_xx_xx_xx\tools\boot\sbl_prebuilt\am243x-lp\ 这个路径拷贝过来的。 其中sbl_ospi.release.tiimage 也可以使用上面我们编...
首先在https://www.ti.com/tool/PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X#downloads 单击“下载”,然后选择 PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-AM64X 或 PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-RT-AM64X,接着下载tisdk-default-image-am64xx-evm.wic.xz,如图6所示。 图6 AM64x默认的Linux系统WIC映像文件下载 ...
MCU+ 器件中的 CPSW IP 支持调试/诊断统计信息。如何使用 MCU+ SDK Enet LLD 中提供的 GEL 文件打印这些统计信息? 可以通过以下步骤打印 CPSW 统计信息 - 1) 启动 CCS 并连接到主 R5F0_0 内核 2) 在顶级菜单中点击“Tools”-->“Gel Files”选项 ...
用“基于I2C的EEPROM的API”来实现数据的读写 1.首先检测一下EEPROM地址是否正确 AM243X上自带一块AT24C型号的EEPROM存储器,可以根据芯片手册或者配套SDK获得其地址。 点击查看代码 i2cHandle = I2C_gHandle(CONFIG_I2C0); i2cTa
Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X Hello IT-Support, i think the Build-in Self-test functionality is insufficient documented. Additional it is a Build-in Self
Thank you for your interest in the AM243x Industrial Communications Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch. This SDK contains examples, libraries, and tools to develop RTOS...
Note Refer to the AM243x SW Build Sheet to understand which device features are currently supported by TI Software Development Kits (SDKs). AM243x Real-time cores Isolated core(A) Arm Arm Arm Arm Cortex®-R5F Cortex®-R5F Cortex®-R5F Cortex®-R5F Arm Cortex®-M4F 128KB TCM 2...