Now we are at the end of 2019, let's look back at some of the significant news that caught our attention this year. FromDec 23, 2019 to Jan 3, 2020,Fairchild Radio News Departmentwill air a special presentation"2019 News Year-enders Report", stay tuned. 加拿大 多倫多猛龍 Toronto Raptors...
Stay tune toFairchild Radio AM1430on Friday Apr 27 at 6pm for an on-site LIVE Interview with Peter Yuen,A/Deputy Chief of Toronto Police Service to talk about theNorth York Van Attackincident (you can email related questions to before 5PM April 27)...
由加拿大寶輝娛樂主辦,加拿大中文電台賀年製作,「Supper Moment Live in Toronto 2020」,1 月 15 日(星期三)晚上 7:30pm @ 大多倫多中華文化中心何伯釗劇院. 票價一律 $88,歡迎大家到加拿大中文電台時代以現金購票(不收手續費),或在網上以信用卡購票,購票網站。 Toronto, this is the Mo...
《Supper Moment Live in Toronto》空前成功!Supper Moment 夢想成真,做到【飛出香港、衝出亞洲、邁向國際】!2020 年 1 月,Supper Moment 大踏步闖進北美,舉行首次加拿大巡迴演唱會。繼1 月 13 日,於温哥華舉行了首場《Supper Moment Live in Vancouver》,與歌迷嗨翻天之後,Supper Moment 亦於1 月 15 日晚上,假...
Fairchild Radio TorontowelcomesCalvin Lo, a renowned media professional, to join our news team starting January 7th, 2019. With his expertise,Calvinwill partner withVannisa WongandJoseph Kongto host the weekdays "News Beat" program at 6:20PM at AM1430....
如果你或你的至親好友酷愛音樂,又想親身感受 rock concert 的熱情和震撼,「Supper Moment Live in Toronto 2020」將會是最完美的聖誕禮物! Are you ready to ROCK? The"Supper Moment Live in Toronto 2020"will take place atChinese Cultural Centre of Greater Torontoon Jan 15, 2020. TheFairchild Radio...
at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto Ticket: VIP$128, $88, $48, $38, $28 available at Fairchild Radio 151 Esna Park Park Drive, Markham大家還記得 “旗人” The flag man 嗎?去年參加過《四海同聲》春節晚會的朋友一定要記得他。他的精湛特技演出讓大家嘆爲觀止。今年 Dominic Lacass ...
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