#AM1430##FRT##fairchildradio##toronto##radio##加拿大中文电台##多伦多##关于我和鬼变成家人的那件事##程伟豪# û收藏 2 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...加拿大中文電台官方微博 3 公司 新時代傳媒集團-加拿大中文電台-多倫多 Ü 简介: 加拿大...
The DJs and program hosts of Fairchild Radio have long been popular. They have become the audience’s “trusted” friends and listeners have learned from them helpful tips on daily living. Listening to Fairchild Radio has become an essential part of Toronto living....
加拿大中文電台與UHN 基金會携手舉行第十五屆 UHN 多倫多西區醫院、全科醫院及復康醫院直播籌款大行動籌得的善款將用於幫助華人社區在大多倫多地區的醫療問題,成就更健康的未來。On February 27th, Fairchild Radio AM1430 will organize an 11-hour Fundraising Radiothon for UHN Toronto Western hospital, Toronto ...
organized byFairchild Radio Toronto&Carefirst to support ofCarefirst"Campus of Care" construction! Today non-stop 11 hours from 7AM - 6PM Donation Hotline:416-572-3828 Online Donation Link:www.am1430.com ♥ 請各位善長人翁,多多支持,慷慨解囊 ...
AM1430 YouTube:fairchildradiotor及Facebook 面書專頁:1430 粉絲天地現場視像直播 捐款方法: 1.電話捐款 捐款熱線:416-603-5722 免費長途:1-888-881-8823 2.網上捐款 www.am1430.com或Fairchild Radio App 3.現場捐款 9am - 6pm 可親到加拿大中文電台捐款站捐款 ...
網上捐款仍然生效至 3 月底,可到 am1430.com 網頁 及Fairchild Radio App 捐款,或點擊網址直接捐款⇒:https://uhnradiothon.ca/可按上圖直接連結網上捐款。Fairchild Radio and UHN Foundation Fundraising Radiothonin support of UHN Toronto Western hospital, Toronto General hospital and Toronto Rehab!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Host Wendy Li had invited one of the most famous Taiwanese Skin Care Experts and author, Niu Er to appear at Fairchild Radio Toronto.Niu Er will share his beauty regiment with us! Don’t miss out the great tips on how to achieve young looking skin !For more on ...
Please drop off unopened, unexpired non-perishable food items atFairchild Radio Toronto(151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26-28, Markham) during Office hours. Mondy-Friday, 10am – 5pm. Please avoid donating glass containers, homemade food, refrigerated items, bulk items, and fresh produce....
於復常後的除夕晚上,與你一起過一個温暖、温馨,笑聲不斷的除夕夜, 陪伴在家的你跨進美好的2023。 祝願各位2023年身體安康、一切平安!有個健康、快樂、美好的2023年! At the end of every year, Fairchild Radio Torontoholds acountdown showto ring in the new year with our devoted fans. ...
由8 月 8 日至 27 日,你只需下載加拿大中文電台手機 App(Fairchild Radio App),在Fairchild Radio App的「票選+ 遊戲」版面找到「加拿大芝寶靈芝 我最喜愛歌曲」票選專頁,觀看十首入圍歌曲的 MV 後選出你最欣賞的一首,即有機會贏取現金獎$1,000,以及由加拿大芝寶靈芝送出價值$100的靈芝產品!