Graduates of Pan Am...:Reports that graduates of Pan Am International Flight Academy's Air Crew Education Program will receive conditional employment offers from five regional carriers. List of participating operators.RimmerDavidBusiness & Commercial Aviation...
Einhorn's flight to France the night before his murder trial; Unwillingness of France's Prime Minister Lionel Jospin to sign extradition orders; Support of Einhorn by the French people; Murder of Holly Maddux by Einhorn.SatchellMichaelCue
But he believes that the event that caused the most change in air cargo and affected him most on a personal level was the crash of Pan American 747 over England on December 21, 1988. A bomb had exploded in the belly compartment of PAA Flight 103 shortly after it took off from Heathrow...
Accord Is Reached On Compensation For Pan Am 103.Reports on the compensation plan decided by Libya and American lawyers for the families of victims of the 1988 Pan Am Flight 103 bombing.Wall Street Journal - Eastern EditionGreenbergerRobert