As well as this, respondents perceived the legis- lation as one that removed the donor's choice as to which organs they want to donate, some with a religious attrib- ute "I don't mind donating but would like choice of what I like to i.e., not my cornea as for after life I want...
I am a patrolman (巡逻警察), sent to check on the family. The young woman sat___at one of the back tables of a small restaurant on a highway where truck___stopped. Two girls, perhaps four and five years old, watched their mother___. A flash of fear crossed...
I am grateful that I live in a time when we can speak our truth, talk about the hard things, and share the beauty of our daughter. I hope others know that they are not alone in their pain and trials, and I hope they find growth within themselves. Allowing ourselves to feel the pain...