L’entrée du theatre Reading Of The Bulletin Of The Grand Armée Point de Convention Portrait d’un fils Boilly Edouard Boilly, fils de l’artiste Head Of A Young Boy Pauvre homme couvrez vous Games Of New Year’s Day (See also:Part I) (Part I) And The Ogre Ate Him Young Woman Wit...
This is one of those posts I’m a little bit afraid to write, which at least is the sign of an interesting post, and occasionally the sign of a post that needs to get written. I’m hoping — ha ha heh heh ahem gulp fingers crossed — it’s the latter. (It’s al...
In this article we describe and evaluate the hypothesis that social media exaggerates and enhances mentalistic functions, that are over-developed, in the extreme, in so-called psychotic spectrum disorders (i.e., schizophrenia, schizotypal personality disorder, bipolar disorder I, affective psychosis, ...
The delusions involved may be mental (as in narcissism and erotomania), or somatic (as in body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorders, encompassing either the entire body or specific body parts). In each case, the virtual nature of social media facilitates the delusionality because the self is...
[3:09:57 AM] Bill Shihara: Is the reported issue with the DAO real? [3:10:17 AM] Vitalik Buterin: as far as we can tell yes [3:10:33 AM] Mike Li: Where can I find the report? [3:10:54 AM] Vitalik Buterin: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4oi2ta/i_thin...
Parenting toddlers means I often must first stop to put on my own air mask, or rather, to parent the toddler inside of me who is triggered to rage by the toddlers I birthed. I find myself telling myself the exact same things I tell them. Take a deep breath. We don’t throw things...
I will 100% be completing all of the payments. Everything is on auto-pay and we’ve never missed a payment. Oh, I have no doubt. I'm just saying that as a general buyer who had no clue about this thread or MacRumors that would be my concern. And it i...
I announced that I was going to join them in renouncing meat. Feeling responsible for my decision, they asked me to read a book titledProtein for Vegetarians. (I see now that the author is questioned for “pseudo-scientific” methodology.) Ah, I soon learned it was going to take a lot...
My name is Ian Wylie and I am a former Fleet Street reporter, writer, editor and TV specialist now working as a freelance journalist based in Northumberland. Having written for a range of UK national newspapers, I now work with ITV on the interviews for
Hey all, I am at a loss on how to get foam forming at the base of a water fall like you see in nature. The link below is what I have done, you can see the foam is just sort of clumps and just is pushed away, there is just no foam forming at the impact