isorecommendation isosalipurposide isoschizomers restric isospin doublet isostasy hypothesis isostatic cogeoid isostraindiagram isotaches isoteinon lamprospill isotherm recording isothermalelasticpote isothromboagglutinin isotomic dichotom isotoniccontration isotope capsule isotope intermediate isotope light isotope...
A total of 42 GAD67 protein expression in the PFC as well as (58%) of the COS patients were males and, given the cerebellum, and found a 50% reduction in schizo- rarity of these patients (thus precluding selection), the phrenic and bipolar patients as compared to controls. ethnic back...
t_schizo0 t_schizo1 57 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 42 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 53 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 56 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 48 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 39 degC : warning...
t_schizo0 t_schizo1 52 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 42 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 27 degC : warning 82 degC : shutdown 87 degC 54 degC : warning 92 degC : shutdown 97 degC 26 degC : warning 82 degC : shutdown 87 degC 53 degC : warning 92 ...
There is a violence that moves from our de-sensitized worlds of the unnatural artificial virtuality – within which we’ve lived like schizorats in a maze – and toward a realm in which the only shock that can awaken us from our cold zombie existence is that of an erotic-violence that (...
Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics of schizo- phrenia: a review of last decade of research. Mol Psychiatry 2007; 12: 707–747. 10 Creese I, Burt DR, Snyder SH. Dopamine receptor binding predicts clinical and pharmacological potencies of antischizophrenic drugs. Science 1976; 192: 481–483. ...
The primary functional implication is that lobe size is limited by some other factor, likely the fluid dynamics of the lophophore system, indicating that there should be a maximum size that a brachiopod with a schizolophe could attain. Comparison with more distantly related brachiopods with pty...
După tentativa eşuată, m-am decis să-mi îmbăiez trupul. Din păcate, nu prea am avut: o tanti se tot uita dubios la mine, asta în timp ce eu mă dezbrăcam, şi îşi tot repeta cât de schizofrenici suntem noi, ăștia din generaţia tânăr...
t_schizo0 t_schizo1 52 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 42 degC : warning 102 degC : shutdown 107 degC 27 degC : warning 82 degC : shutdown 87 degC 54 degC : warning 92 degC : shutdown 97 degC 26 degC : warning 82 degC : shutdown 87 degC 53 degC : warning 92 ...