There were 17 women among the detainees and one of them was pregnant. There were also about 15 underage boys. We were all in it together and we all survived. I am hoping that the 28 years old Wakoma can re-organize his wedding again. ...
on day 14.5 of pregnancy were given intrauterine injections of pgn, killed gbbs or killed e. coli (a gram negative bacterium). preterm delivery (the finding of at least one fetus in the cage or lower vagina within 48 hours of surgery) was recorded. results: number (%) of pregnant dams ...
Michelle Williams –Her personal and poignant pro-choice speech was especially powerfully as she’s currently pregnant with her second child. Wow, that’s a lot of Ps. Needless to say, I stand with Michelle Williams and I stand withPlanned Parenthood. Also, she’s excellent inFosse/Verdon. ...
I’m very glad to stand here andgive you a short speech. today my topic is “Life”. I hope you will like it , Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with...
My favourite birthday memory is my 30th – big joint party (for hubby’s bday too) loads of kids, everyone dressed up – and I was pregnant with much wanted number two bebe, just didn’t know it quite yet. Brilliant. Also following you on IG. Nina says: September 10, 2015 at 11...
I knew I was pregnant!! Month end we went for the first scan The heartbeat told success of our plan A bundle of joy was on its way who will share its father’s birthday! In May, Mommy-to-be got a scare Had to rush to hospital emergency care ...
Well, for one, if you’ve been following my pregnancy journey, you’ll see that I didn’t have the easiest time being pregnant. Not only was my body going through this crazy transformation, going from a slim 105lbs to a whopping 143lbs of belly that caused back pains, but I also bro...
It became clear that Brigitte had been pregnant and the fetus was taken away on that trip. For what reason I do not know, but I knew for sure was the incredible changes that took place in my own psyche. I completely and entirely painted all the walls of my house with astrological and...
I wanted to beat my pregnant time of ’09 (4:14 or so?), and have fun. Before we even started, I think I had the fun portion pretty dialled. My training had been minimalist (that’s a nice term for short AF), but I got to the start line with no aches and pains, and a ...
From the day you discovered that you are pregnant, you’ve already started spending money. i.e: pregnancy kit and consulting a doctor to get a confirmation. Well…many people would have the mindset of“this is my first child…I must get everything new for him/her! I must provide the ...