Have you ever thought about how physically old you are? Take this "How old am I physically" quiz and find out if you look younger or older than your real age. Do people normally tell you that you are much younger than you look? It's time to stop guessing and find out the real ...
I was considering to take out bartending, but since the solution works 98% of the time, I think I am leaving it as an experimental feature for now. It’s cool and I can always take it out in future if it is too troubling! I know 98% is not 100%, but hey this is a prototype ...
“I’m stuck in the house and I just want to eat! My stomach is at an 8+ but my mouth is still hungry! I know I’m not physically hungry, but I want a certain mouth feel – crunchy and salty specifically. How come I’m full but I still want more food?” When your stomach s...
I think IBM is dissembling, fixating on the term 110,000 layoffs, which by the way I never used. IBM is playing word games to obscure the truth.
9. When you connect with someone physically (with hand holding, a kiss, or sex), are you the first to initiate or does your partner normally initiate with you? I usually initiate. It's probably about equal. The other person usually initiates. ...
12. Do you usually do favors for people? Nah. I'm too busy looking out for myself. Only if it doesn't make too much trouble or work for me. Sure! I'll do a favor when I'm asked. Definitely. Even when they haven't asked. Start Quiz...
While people with NPD can definitely be physically and emotionally abusive, this abuse doesn’t stem from their mental illness. Abuse comes from a sense of entitlement and a desire for power and control—it isn’t caused by a specific diagnosis. NPD can be addressed with long-term treatment,...