Three, an unconscious desire to keep our spot. A meme went around Facebook recently (I know, I know) that showed how one teacher demonstrated privilege by giving everyone in the class a wadded up piece of paper and asking them to shoot a basket into the trashcan at the f...
“Years later, I was working for PolyGram and Styx was on one of our labels, A&M. I had the opportunity to talk to a couple of the guys about that night. … They certainly remembered the night because it was a horrible trip in the snowstorm to play that show.” The night before,o...
When I went to the site, the trusses appear to be intact hinting at the questionable structural integrity of the weakened bridge piers in the middle of the span which witnesses saw were the first to succumb to the raging water. One driver told me that he felt the “weird shaking” of th...