Cool and confident C. Weird and extroverted D. Introverted Rate this question: 1 0 9. Would you wear skin tight clothes if you were skinny? A. Not at all. I would rather go for some loose clothes, not too loose either. B.
I’m damn hot – I have no idea why I’m even taking this quiz. B. I think I’m pretty/handsome. C. I’m not a confident person, so don’t think I’m attractive. D. No one is attracted to me, so I must be ugly. Rate this question: 5. How would you describe you...
Honest quiz: Am I ugly This is the quiz you may search on the net to find honest results and satisfy yourself and solve your mental concern about your appearance. If you have low self-esteem and you think that might affect your behavior, don’t pay attention to the results of this quiz...
Am I Ready for a Relationship? Questions and Answers 1. On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you? A. Less than 4. B. 4-6 C. 6-8 D. 8-10 Rate this question: 2. How often do you let people walk over you? A. Never ...