First up, Reginald Scot and The Discoverie of Witchcraft, written for a Witch-Hunting unit in History. I saw Scot in relation to the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage — both comedy and tragedy, and playwrights’ presentation of human evil. Nods to Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, Iago, and my ...
The fallen warrior or bastard son of a king on a black horse, wearing dark clothing or armor, the old ugly witch or dark haired spinster that lives in a dark cave always represent whats tainted and evil, what’s undesirable to be or have. Brides wear white, they are innocent and naive...
With her background — working in production, as a researcher on a quiz show, on reality shows, on gardening programs — she says it may appear as “an unfocused career,” but in reality, “all of those ‘dots’ informed the sort of stories I like telling through drama today.” ...
If you were a monster living in a magical world, what would you be? A witch? A vampire? Or some other powerful creature? To find out what mythological monster you would be, take our test. Hit “Start Quiz” to begin! 1. Where is your ideal home? Inside of a flower covered in dew...
You might not be an outright witch 24/7, but when you need to, your inner mean girl might jump out to your aide.
Quizzes Are More Fun With Friends Share this quiz with your friends and compare results.Questions Overview 1. Choose a classic Halloween costume: Sheet ghost Devil Witch Toilet paper mummy 2. If you were a ghost, why would you stay in the world of the living? I'd want to spend ...
Subscribe to Quizzes Newsletter Everyone Is Like A Certain Type Of Mean Girl — Here's Which One You Are You might not be an outright witch 24/7, but when you need to, your inner mean girl might jump out to your aide. by kenxa Community Contributor 730 points Approved and edited by...
You might not be an outright witch 24/7, but when you need to, your inner mean girl might jump out to your aide.
You might not be an outright witch 24/7, but when you need to, your inner mean girl might jump out to your aide.