I'm an 'E' person.I should go to the party and make more friends.""I'm an 'I' person.I'd like to work by myself.I could be a writer in the future."They believe different types can help them make decisions for activities,jobs or even life choices more quickly. But there are ...
“Am I an ‘I’ person or an ‘E’ person?” It is a popular topic among young people around China today. Many people are crazy about it so that they take a personality test named Myers-Briggs test to find out the answer. Many people find the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Test Indicator...
i am a chinese和i am chinese的区别为:释义不同、词语搭配不同、双语例句不同。1.释义不同 I am Chinese.我是中国人,炎黄子孙,演讲稿。I am a Chinese.我是一个中国人,中国人,我是个中国人,我是一个中国人。2.词语搭配不同 I am Chinese词语搭配:(1)I am also Chinese.我也是中...
所以不能直接说I'm a Chinese. 如果用"the Chinese",表示复数(就不是一个中国人啦~) 正确表达: I'm Chinese. I'm a Chinese person. I'm a Chinese citizen. I'm from China. I come from China. 例句: The Chinesealsoeata ...
Didn't mean to spoil the mood.spoil the mood:大煞风景,破坏气氛 10:45 She's in a dark place lately.in a dark place:这里引申为“颓丧,失意”。 11:07 Why don't I throw a lunch in her honor?这里的“throw a ... ”和“throw a party”用法一样,即“举办午宴”。 11:26 Wanda was ...
根据第二段 "'E' is short for'Extroversion'"("E" 是 "外向" 的缩写)以及 "'I'm extroverted.I should go to parties and make friends'"("我是外向的。我应该去参加派对并交朋友")可知,"E" 型人性格外向,喜欢与人交往。选项D "I may like celebrating different festivals with different people....
1.C 细节 解题 根据第 段“ Many people are crazy about it so that they take a personality test named Myers-Briggs test to find out the answer."可知 MBTI 是一项性格测试,即找到性格类别。 故选C。 2.D 细节理解题。 根据第二段“I'm anE'person.I should go to the party and make ...
“I’m an ‘E’ person. I should go to the party and make more friends. ”“I’m an ‘I’ person. I’d like to work by myself. I could be a writer in the future. ” They believe different types can help them make decisions for activities, jobs or even life choices more ...
(2)、I am a Chinese player 我是中国玩家 (3)、I am a Chinese person 我是一个中国人 (4)、I am a Chinese Mandarin 我是中国人请说汉语 3、双语例句不同 I am a Chinese的双语例句 (1)、It might be because I am a Chinese.可能是因为我是中国人吧。(2)、I could not ...
打老婆的男人都该被车撞死。袒护长期虐待她的男人的女人活该被打。 被曝艳照,不是什么大事,当然女主人公会受到较大的伤害。她们不值得/不需要同情。吃了东西就得拉屎,谁也逃不开。谁都会坏肚子,有些是天灾,有些是自找。shit happens。 i am a mean person, sometimes...