Satya Nadella and other Microsoft execs talk about the future of AI, the company's approach to open platforms, and how the era of the “talented jerk” is over— MICROSOFT HASN'T ALWAYS had a reputation for being “open,” but CEO Satya Nadella and the rest of his executive team … ...
I am thinking bout buying but I don t know saw on youtube that there was some counterfeit castle Motors out there just know if I buy this motor and it s not the real deal I m gone get my money bk and file a claim don t mean to be a jerk.but that s how I am never seen a...
But don't be a jerk! Please be kind, considerate, and constructive. Report inappropriate comments to 29 Comments Bjarno86 March 13, 2012 at 10:11 PM GMT+8 Nice, this brillant game gets even better :) One question: Are you going to do a DLC bundl...
Kids sitting in class at Crenshaw high now and the late 80s, afraid to ask a question because some jerk in the back thinks that it's a waistew of their time and will vocally say so. It's a forum man. a discussion board to provide and ask for answers. If you think this is a ...
Or watch theRaw show on YouTube. Trollpeeps, Sorry for the long delay between shows. Travis and I are working on getting back into a regular swing of things but there are just so many hours in the week and finding a time that lines up to tape is hard. But stick with us we are ...
PART THREE: Set-List Monster Kiss Mess Me Up Blow Dumb Boneyard Give It To Me Gone For Good Do The Fuck Yourself It’s True Live It Up Hippy Witch I Am A Girlfriend ...
I’ve been on a serious YouTube grind over the last couple weeks, working up a couple papers/talks on black digital youth culture. Check the waxtube or my favorites to sink into a pixelated dance trance. Gave one version of this black-digi-youf chat a couple weeks ago at Harvard, whi...
Ah, that Hubris, he’s a bit of a jerk. Good points, but Jobs didn’t show websites with inactive Flash boxes by accident. This isn’t over yet. tom January 31, 2010 at 12:02 am Perhaps. Either that or Apple pulled a MS ineptitude screening. Please feel free to discuss your re...
EDIT: Thanks for all the replies, i didn't want to reply and bump this thread again but just wanted to say, all the people who said i should be in a HoT HP train instead of trying to get them myself and that's why people was toxic at me because i was doi
I hit my first two snatches, missing the third lift. The applause for the missed lift was the same as it was for the successful attempts. I had three good lifts for the clean and jerk. Setting a new PR in the process. Overall it was such a brilliant day. I feel like I learned so...