I snipped off a little piece of this material and got it into ergot. And because my Beowulf translation, abandoned after 1000 lines, won’t see the light of day, have a primer/reminder of the original, the section pertinent to ‘Scapegoat’. Starting at first mention of Grendel: The ...
Hamlet Study Quiz (with detailed answers)Analysis of I am sick at heart (1.1)Hamlet: Q & ASoliloquy Analysis: O this too too... (1.2) Soliloquy Analysis: O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!... (2.2)Soliloquy Analysis: To be, or not to be... (3.1) ...
My name is Ian Wylie and I am a former Fleet Street reporter, writer, editor and TV specialist now working as a freelance journalist based in Northumberland. Having written for a range of UK national newspapers, I now work with ITV on the interviews for many of their drama press packs / ...
“I’m on my way…” Ed Sheeran liftshares with James Corden! Suffolk-born superstar Ed Sheeran is the latest celeb to join James Corden on The Late, Late Show for a Carpool Karaoke skit – and what a journey it makes! Singing through all of his recent releases as well as some of ...
For this relief much thanks; 'tis bitter cold And I am sick at heart. - Hamlet (1.1.10), Francisco to Barnardo Note - Francisco is a minor character in the play, and this is his most significant line. Francisco's lament that he is "sick at heart" acts in concert with Marcellus'...