对Task 的操作,AMS 使用 mStackSupervisor 来进行。对于 Acitivity 的操作,AMS 使用 ActivityStack 来进行。 系统中只有两个 ActivityStack,一个是 mHomeStack,用于保存 Launcher 的Activity,另一个是 mFocusedStack,用于保存非 Launcher 的 App 的 Activity。 第一阶段:获取资源和变量 ——intnent.getcomponent();...
进一步来说,这个HomeStack其实是ActivityStack类型,它被容器ActivityContainer持有,并通过attachToDisplayLocked()方法被添加到ActivityDisplay中去。 // frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityStackSupervisor.java private int createStackOnDisplay(int stackId, int displayId) { ActivityDispl...
如果focusedStack为null,且targetStack也为null,则启动resumeHomeActivity finalActivityStackfocusedStack=display.getFocusedStack();if(focusedStack!=null){result|=focusedStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(target,targetOptions);}elseif(targetStack==null){result|=resumeHomeActivity(null/* prev */,"no-focusa...
TaskId, toTop ? 1 : 0, position; 206,1,3,是指吧TaskId=206的移动到栈顶(即该栈的长度为4) am_home_stack_moved: 位于ASS.moveHomeStack CurrentUser, toFront ? 1:0 , homStackId, FocusedStackId 0,1,0,0, 是指userId=0, home栈顶的StackId=0, 当前focusedStackId=0,2.2 Power Num...
跟resumeFocusedStackTopActivityLocked()发现期调用了resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(),继续跟踪该方法。发现调用了resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(),还是跟。发现其调用了mStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivityLocked()。跟到这里。代码如下: 这里开始准备调用Zygote去创建新进程了,创建进程的流程,这里不在跟踪,有兴趣的可以...
Group ventral to the GNG (vGNG).aHoneybee brain scheme focusing on the posterior brain. AmFoxP neurons are indicated with white circles within the boxed area which indicates the localization of panels (b–l).bConfocal image (60 µm confocal stack) of a forager brain backfilled with lucifer...
pause完成后通过AMS会调用ActivityStack的completePauseLocked, 调用了resumeFocusedStackTopActivityLocked 由于pause完成, 会跳过步骤1, 如果可以直接resume, 则这几resume 否则会调用ActivityStackSupervisor的startSpecificActivityLocked 若进程存活则调用realStartActivity, 若进程不存活, 则调用startProcess启动进程,进程启动后...
The Gigabyte A620I is a budget-focused AM5 motherboard perfect for pairing with midrange Ryzen chips like the Ryzen 5 7600. It has a 5+2+1 stage VRM, two RAM slots, and a single M.2 slot. Pros Much cheaper than B650 motherboards 5+2+1 stage VRM is sufficient for non-X CPUs...
◆ nvim : NeoVim, Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability. ◆ nvtop : GPUs process monitoring for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA. ◆ nxshell : An easy to use new terminal. ◆ nx-software-center : A GUI to install and manage AppImages (Nitrux OS). ◆ nychess : A python Chess Engine...
extract sub-aperture images or synthetically focused photographs. This application is meant for researchers, developers, beginners and other fiddlers who like to experiment with light field technology. Its scope comprises custom-types of plenoptic cameras and is thus not limited to Lytro's image data...