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with an allelic prevalence of 0.63 % in Iceland, these findings implicate a gene and naturally arising perturbation that may generate new insights into the pathogenesis of late-onset Alzheimer's disease …. We therefore suggest that the
A growing body of evidence has demonstrated a link between Alzheimer disease (AD) and epilepsy. Late-onset epilepsy and epileptiform activity can precede cognitive deterioration in AD by years, and its presence has been shown to predict a faster disease
Delamonte SM, Ghanbari K, Frey WH et al. (1997) Characterization of the AD7C-NTP cDNA expression in Alzheimer’s disease and measurement of a 41-kD protein in cerebrospinal fluid. J Clin Invest 100: 3.093–3.104 Google Scholar De Souza EB, Whitehouse PJ, Kuhar M J et al. (1986) Rec...
The database includes information on patient age, sex, diagnoses and comorbidities based on the International Classification of Disease, 10th revision (ICD-10), and records of prescriptions, procedures, and prescribed drugs37. Enrollees in the NHIS are assigned unique identification codes, and are ...
Ninety outpatients with Alzheimer's disease according to ICD-10 diagnostic draft criteria were studied to test the hypothesis that cases with a familial aggregation are different from cases without such an aggregation with respect to cognitive impairment. In all cases the diagnosis of Alzheimer's dise...
(ICD-10); the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association (1994); the criteria for vascular dementia of the California Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Centers (Chui et al., 1992); and the vascular dementia criteria of the National ...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD)Alzheimer’sdisease(AD)阿尔茨海默病 一、概述 1、该病因阿诺斯·阿尔茨海默(AloisAlzheimer)于1906最先发现而得名2、获得性记忆和其他认知功能的障碍3、缓慢进展4、并不是单纯衰老的一部分,与正常的认知功能衰退完全不同5、缺乏对该疾病早期诊断重要性的认识,只有不到50%的患者进行过...
11 Although the ICD-9 and ICD-10 terminology refers to Alzheimer disease, these diagnoses represent diagnoses of dementia believed to be due to Alzheimer disease (eg, Alzheimer dementia, which is referred to as Alzheimer dementia throughout this article). The published algorithm scans cla...
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; ACD, all-cause dementia; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; VaD, vascular dementia Full size image Discussion Utilizing data from 274,160 UKB participants, we compared the NMR-derived metabolic profiles among three types of dementia; for the first time, we ...