It is known that type 2 diabetes causes damage to the brain and body relative to sugar and the insulin response. Mild cognitive dysfunction can also be a result of type 2 diabetes. Is this a path to Alzheimer's disease? Dr. Sam Gandy, M.D., Ph.D., said on the Alzheimer’s Associa...
迟发型AD基因座位于19号染色体,可能致病基因为载脂蛋白E(APOE)基因。 2.一些躯体疾病 如甲状腺疾病、免疫系统疾病、癫痫等,曾被作为该病的危险因素研究。有甲状腺功能减退史者,患该病的相对危险度高。该病发病前有癫痫发作史较多。偏头痛或严重头痛史与该病无关。不少研究发现抑郁症史,特别是老年期抑郁症史是该...