Eisai's Corporate Concept is "to give first thought to patients and people in the daily living domain, and to increase thebenefits that health care provides." Under this Concept (also known as human health care (hhc) Concept), we aim toeffectively achieve social good in the form of relievi...
Moderate Alzheimer’s disease is often the longest stage, which can last up to 10 years, and involves mild cognitive decline. During this stage, friends, family, co-workers and doctors begin to notice memory, concentration and/or cognitive issues. Some examples of problems faced during this sta...
One of the most difficult, distressing and frightening situations for home caregivers or staff in care facilities is aggressive or combative behavior from someone who has Alzheimer's disease. Aggression such as shouting, raising a hand to someone, pushing, biting and hitting, is not uncommon amongs...
Typically, the disease develops slowly and progressively worsens. Ten warning signs begin with memory loss, especially short term memory or forgetting recently learned information. Others become challenged by following a recipe, keeping track of monthly bills, concentrating or developing and following a ...