ALZ-801(valiltramiprosate) Alzheon 的 ALZ-801(valiltramiprosate)目前是阿尔茨海默病唯一的口服抗淀粉样蛋白疾病改善治疗药物。ALZ-801 有可能显着减缓或阻止疾病进展,甚至预防临床症状的出现。研究的安全性仍然良好,与 2,000 多名 AD 患者...
Alzheon今日宣布其在研药品ALZ-801(valiltramiprosate)于临床2期生物标志物试验中的最新积极结果。数据显示ALZ-801可改善早期阿尔茨海默(AD)病患血浆中磷酸化tau蛋白(P-tau181)含量、减少脑萎缩情形并改善记忆功能。新闻稿表示,这是目前首个具有减少脑萎缩效果的阿尔茨海默病药物。 阿尔茨海默病是一种主要与衰老相关...
产品编号T14199别名ValiltramiprosateCas号1034190-08-3 ALZ-801 是一种可口服的小分子 β-淀粉样蛋白抗寡聚体和聚集抑制剂,是曲米酸的缬氨酸偶联前药,与母体化合物相比,具有显著改善的 PK 特性和胃肠道耐受性。它是治疗阿尔茨海默病的先进且显著改善的候选药物。
Alzheimer’s disease, due to its novel mechanism of action, oral mode of administration, and potential efficacy in a genetically-targeted population. If our development program is successful and valiltramiprosate is approved, it could be the first oral disease-modifying drug for Alzheimer’s ...
关键字:Valiltramiprosate|TargetMol 公司简介 TargetMol Chemicals Inc. 总部位于马萨诸塞州波士顿,致力于为全球生化领域科学家的研究提供专业的产品和服务。TargetMol?品牌的客户群分布于40多个国家和地区,已发展成为全球知名的化合物库和小分子化合物研究供应商。 TargetMol?可提供160多种满足不同需求的化合物库,以及...
ALZ-801/valiltramiprosate is an oral, small-molecule inhibitor of 尾-amyloid (A尾) oligomer formation in late-stage development as a potential disease-modifying therapy for Alzheimer's disease (AD). ALZ-801, a valine-conjugated prodrug, is rapidly converted to tramiprosate after oral dosing....
CAS号: 1034190-08-3 分子式: C8H18N2O4S 分子量: 238.3 3-[(2S)-2-amino-3-methylbutanamido]propane-1-sulfonic acid valiltramiprosate 关键字:ALZ-801; 公司简介 苏州靖驰医药科技有限公司坐落于经济发达、风景优美的旅游城市——苏州。是一家主要从事新一代抗病毒、抗肿瘤类药物中间体、系列核苷酸及其...
ALZ-801 (valiltramiprosate)is an investigational oral agent inPhase 3 developmentas a potentially disease modifying treatment for AD.1,3In mechanism of action studies, ALZ-801 has been shown to fully in...
(valiltramiprosate)program. The presentation will also review the anti-amyloid oligomer mechanism of action of ALZ-801, interim biomarker data from the 6-month interim analysis of Alzheon’s fully enrolledPha...
INTRODUCTION: The approved amyloid antibodies for early Alzheimer's disease (AD) carry a boxed warning about the risk of amyloid‐related imaging abnormalities (ARIAs) that are highest in apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4/ε4 homozygotes. ALZ‐801/valiltramiprosate, an oral brain‐penetrant amyloid be...