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Alwyzon,奥地利商家,主要提供KVM VPS,数据中心有荷兰和奥地利。现在黑五优惠,有3款特价KVM VPS。处理器为AMD EPYC 7543P。 Virtual Server XS vCPU:2 内存:2 GB 空间:40 GB NVMe SSD(Raid10) 流量:50 TB / 月 (2.5Gbps端口) IPv4:1 €39/年 优惠码:CWS22XS 购买链接 Virtual Server S vCPU:3 内存:...
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速度测试: // 所有主机信息仅是为及时分享并收录,不做推荐!
We ran the full suite of Sysbench tests on VPS plans of Alwyzon and Profvds. These are the Sysbench CPU test results:Rate of operations Higher is betterSysbench Disk IO PerformanceWe ran the full suite of Sysbench tests on VPS plans of Alwyzon and Profvds. These are the Sysbench Disk ...
Alayzon是一家奥地利IDC商家,新增加了存储型VPS业务,基于kvm虚拟架构,搭配2.5Gbps上行带宽,数据中心位于维也纳,采用SAS+RAID6阵列,自带一个ipv4和ipv6地址,用于存储或备份还是相当优秀的。 官方网站: 优惠方案 维也纳大硬盘VPS 2Core 2GB 1TB 5TB 2.5Gbps KVM 5.79欧元/月 立即购买 维也纳...
Do not waste your time with the AlwyzonSee more Aleksei Dec 5, 2024 I’ve been using VPS (Virtual Server XS) for a few months to run my VPN server, and it’s been flawless. The server is fast, reliable and stable. The setup process was straightforward, and the performance is ...
We ran a database intensive web application at various levels of load on cloud servers from Alwyzon and Togglebox. This is the average response time measured locally on the VPS for each plan we tested. Local Response Time per Plan
alwyzon这家奥地利公司新增了存储型vps(备份vps,大硬盘vps),默认维也纳数据中心。VPS默认为KVM虚拟,接入2.5Gbps带宽,SAS硬盘raid6阵列,自带一个IPv4和/64 IPv6,在后台支持用户自定义上传任意ISO文件安装系统...用来做数据存储备份等,从配置来看还是有相当高的性价比的。
答:Alwyzon奥地利复活节优惠是一项特别的促销活动,为用户提供超值的虚拟专用服务器(VPS)服务,在复活节期间,用户可以享受到仅需35欧元每年的超低价格,获得包含2G内存、40G硬盘和20TB流量的高性能VPS服务。 一、Alwyzon奥地利复活节优惠的亮点 1、价格亲民:仅需35欧元每年,相较于市场上的其他VPS服务,这一价格极具竞...