Usually when you wake up in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom, you would think you just drank too much water or didn't empty out before bed. However, there are a number of other weird things it can mean if you always have to pee…
If I wake up in the middle of the night for any reason (probably because of the giant wooden box in my bed), I am officially up for the rest of the day and crying because it’s another day without Doug. Doug’s box is bigger than Melvin‘s was. I’m not good at ashes math,...
At my lowest point, the scream was a never-ending howl of anguish that haunted me in the waking hours and devoured all my energy, leaving me an angry, exhausted, empty shell. Then one day, the pieces returned. I cannot say exactly how this happened, but I remember where I was and I...
being prodded until the picture came on the screen and feeling like I was going to wet myself at any minute – but completely forgetting the need to pee as soon as LP’s little shape came on the screen, seeing her heart beat and her limbs move. Seeing your baby on that screen for...
If you keep waking up in the middle of the night because you have to pee, one of these may be to blame. Find out what to do—and when to see a doctor.