PowerToys.AlwaysOnTop.exe is a utility developed by Microsoft Corporation that allows users to keep specific windows on top of all other windows. This can be particularly useful when working with multiple applications and needing to reference information from one window while working in another. The...
排除的应用不允许使用 Always On Top 来固定应用程序。 添加应用程序名称以防将其固定。 该列表还将排除部分匹配项。 例如,Notepad将阻止固定 Notepad.exe 和 Notepad++.exe。 要仅阻止特定应用程序,请将Notepad.exe添加至排除列表。 安装PowerToys 此实用工具是适用于超级用户的Microsoft PowerToys实用工具的一部分。
Always On Top Maker is a simple tool used to keep a window above others. Use a hotkey to select a window. Keep on track Clocking in at a whopping 8 KB, Always On Top Maker is smaller than most images but provides a surprisingly useful feature. Pinning a window to stay above others,...
My workaround is to exclude the process "WDADesktopService.exe" in AOT Settings, works for me. Also having this issue. After some testing I determined I could simply turn it off in the "Always On Top" settings of PowerToys. See Possible Workarounds below ...
Invisible always-on-top window: Hi, first of all, sorry for my English.I noticed I could not interact with certain regions of my screen and it turned out it's an invisible window that always remains on top.It's not explorer.exe because it remains after killing this process, but trying...
2.小巧的PushPin 相对于ExaWare OnTop 来说,PushPin 的体积更为小巧,只有区区的22KB 下载得到的是一个压缩包,由于它是一款绿色软件,我们只要直接将该压缩包解压缩到某个指定的目录下即可运行(主程序文件名为Pushpin.exe),同样看不到主程序窗口,只会发现系统托盘处多了一个图标。要想让某个操作窗口总在最前面,...
If you use Linux simply right-click on the title bar and select “Always on top". How to install and use AutoHotkeyFirst you need to download the latest stable version of AutoHotkey v2.0 so go to the download page and click the “Download EXE” button. Once downloaded, execute the file...
Hi all, i'm experiencing an annoying problem with uVision 5: when I go into debug session and then go back to the edit session, the uVision 5 stays always on top
However, I was unable to find the program on the Internet. But I was able to reproduce it using Windows Explorer (explorer.exe). Steps to reproduce: Set always on top mode for some file explorer window Save the configuration Exit WindowTop ...
We could search "sticky notes" directly or open it here C:\windows\system32\StikyNot.exe. "have the option to keep the note on top of all active windows?" I am not sure about this need. If you are using virtual desktop feature, we should create each note for each desktop. Best rega...