To manage token expiry effectively in your Azure HTTP trigger function, the best practice would be to check at every connection request. This approach allows you to ensure that you always have a valid token before making a connection to your MySQL flexible server. By checking the token's va...
Since 1 week ago, we are experiencing connection problem with Azure Function App. We have a few Function Apps exposed for customers to use our SaaS website. These Function Apps are configured with separate custom domains & certificates for HTTPS…
I am trying to enforce the use of a VPN client (have app as a required install). I did the device restriction policy and on my device and it shows up on my device. Problem is, I want all traffic bloc...
Windows Azure Thoughts - First Six Months Having played with Windows Azure for about six months or so, I think I have a good handle on its pros and cons for the tasks I’ve been trying to do. I definitely have a lot of positive conclusions about the platform as a whole, and a few...
Always on VPN - Windows 10 Professional Hello. Can anybody share their experience with setting it up and using Always On VPN with Windows 10 Professional? I have it set up and working on a trial server and test workstation but can't w......
AlwaysOn availability groups will not function properly on Windows servers where the system's...Date: 03/16/2015AlwaysOn Availability Group Returns Failover Partner for Legacy Mirror Application ConnectivityAvailability Groups Simulate Database Mirroring Connection Behavior Given the following scenario,......
AlwaysOn availability groups will not function properly on Windows servers where the system's...Date: 03/16/2015AlwaysOn Availability Group Returns Failover Partner for Legacy Mirror Application ConnectivityAvailability Groups Simulate Database Mirroring Connection Behavior Given the following scenario,......
AzureFileStorageReadSettings AzureFileStorageWriteSettings AzureFunctionActivity AzureFunctionActivityMethod AzureFunctionLinkedService AzureKeyVaultLinkedService AzureKeyVaultSecretReference AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity AzureMLLinkedService AzureMLServiceLinkedService AzureM...
Always Encrypted cryptography How queries against encrypted columns work Always Encrypted with secure enclaves Encryption keys Auditing Ledger Networking Tutorials Reference Tools Tutorials SQL Server on Linux SQL on Azure Azure Arc Resources Reference Download PDF Learn... regional architecture: App Service hosts regional instances and uses regional queue storage for event messaging Serverless Design Architecture – Elastic Compute data pipeline architecture: Function app integration with...