82 Aluminum is the preferred spelling in the United States; aluminium is the preferred spelling in the United Kingdom and many other English-speaking nations. 83 Mission Possible Partnership, Making Net-Zero Aluminium Possible, September 2022, p. 52, at ...
Is italuminiumoraluminum? The metallic element with the atomic number 13 is used in a wide variety of everyday objects, such as in cans, kitchen utensils, and foil to wrap food. In American English, this element is calledaluminum, while in British English it’s more commonly referred to a...
Aluminum was the standard pronunciation until it was changed to fit with the rest of the "ium" elements by the UK. Now, both pronunciations and spellings are correct. It's actually the UK that wants to change things to fit their own game, as is usually the case. GimmeSlack12...
Are you looking for product support, documentation, how-tos or older products? Visit JBL SupportTry your search again using these tips:Double check the spelling. Try varying the spelling. Limit the search to one or two words. Be less specific in your wording. Sometimes a more general term ...