Does aluminum-free deodorant work? DEODORANT 5 reasons to use refillable deodorant Learn how our refills help you start the journey to reduce plastic waste. YOUR DAILY DOSE OF DOVE LOVE I have stopped trying so hard to fit in - my beautiful personality is written all over my face and that...
Stay fresh with Dove 0% Aluminum Free Deodorant, offering 48-hour odor protection and moisturizing care in a range of beautifully scented options.
If you want to treat your pits to a more natural deodorant, aluminum-free is a great place to start. Here are 8 that actually work to keep the stink away.
“When people make the change from conventional antiperspirants to ‘natural’ deodorants, they can notice that they are smellier than they are accustomed to being,” the expert adds. “The idea is that an armpit detox can make this transition easier.” The detox in question is similar to ...
Sensitive skin easily reacts to chemicals, fragrances, and dyes. A reaction may cause itching, redness, or an unsightly rash. For example, a rash down the back of your arm or in the armpit is a pretty good indication that your skin is reacting to your deodorant. And perspiration can fur...
Lume effectively blocks bacteria from digesting fluids on your skin, like sweat, so they can't produce odor. Rather than neutralizing or covering up odor after it forms, Lume is a pre-odorant that blocks odor from happening in the first place. ...
Are aluminum deodorants harmful? Here are 16 expert-approved, aluminum-free deodorants for healthy underarms.
The clean, non-toxic deodorant that really works! This aluminum and baking soda-free deodorant works with your body's natural functions to aid in odor reduction. This invisible formula glides on smooth and will outlast your longest days. It's guaranteed
Natural deodorants can be very hit or miss. They either smell great but don’t do anything for sweat or wear off within an hour or two. You may need to do a little product searching to find the deodorant that is right for you and your body type. Remember
to your skin's natural oil GET CLOSE AND PERSONAL without hesitation 72hr ODOR PROTECTION without aluminum or harsh chemicals CLEAN CONFIDENCE you can count on Lavilin is a leading international brand of aluminum-free deodorants and personal care products. Our company is rooted in the idea that ...