The unique properties profile of Dievar makes it the best choicefordie casting,forging and extrusion. DIEVAR作为压铸模具钢具有优良的抗 热龟裂 、热裂纹 、热磨损和塑性变形能力 ,这 些独特的性能使其成为压铸、热锻和热挤压 模具钢的最佳选择。
Two particle sizes of 160 µm and 520 µm of SiC and two extrusion ratios of 13:63:1 and 19:63:1 for AA 6063/SiC composites were selected. It was noticed that the SiC reinforced Al-6063 alloy composites show the highest tensile strength. The SEM images depict the uniform ...