This article presents the results of a quantitative research on the English reading and listening proficiency of students of English Language and Literature undergraduate degrees in a Brazilian public university. The objectives of the study were to map students' ...
通用五级证书考试(MSE)共分为五个级别:英语入门考试(Key English Test,缩略为KET);初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test,缩略为PET)、第一英语证书考试(First Certificate in English,缩略为FCE)、高级英语证书考试(Certificate in Advanced English,缩略为CAE)和熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English...
While the course objectiv es for their courses aimed at enablin g students to become trained competent w riter s in English , learner s 麓 w ritt en outcomes , how ev er , rev ealed that student s had failed not only to organise their ideas but also t o use specific linguistic ...