要想解决这个wifi无法自签出现altserver could not find的问题,我个人有以下见解:首先得先知道自己的手机和wifi之间是否真正能够达到wifi同步的功能。我们都知道,当线连的时候打开itunes会有这个手机样式的logo出现,这代表着线连成功了,可以进行数据同步。那么同理,当我们勾选完通过Wi-Fi与此iPhone同步,拔掉数据线后...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 针对你提到的问题,“A connection to AltServer could not be established”意味着你的设备与AltServer之间的连接无法建立。根据你提供的信息,这里有几个可能的解决步骤:1. 检查网络连接:确保手机和电脑在同一Wi-Fi网络中,并且网络连接是稳定的。尝试重启路由器...
How to fix Altstore could not find Altserver | Failed to refresh apps on Windows and Mac To fix this, you need to get on to the computer with the same wifi network on your device and run the Altserver; it happens because Altstore couldn’t find the running Altserver on the same wifi...
Could not ..可以通过wifi连接电脑续期,但是无法下载东西了,想更新一下这个微信,每次都弹Could not find AltServer.但是我同学的电脑就可以,一样是小米笔记本(我的是红米)注:我的电脑一直不
本吧热帖: 1-这个怎么弄呀QAQ 2-iTunes not found 3-卡在这一步好久了,有大佬知道怎么回事嘛 4-安装AltStore失败,提示“WinHttpsendRequest:12002:操作超时” 5-我这个是啥情况啊? 6-关于解决winhttpsendrequest 12002:操作超时的办法 7-求助各位大佬。急! 8-求助!之前
case .serverNotFound: return NSLocalizedString("AltServer could not be found.", comment: "") case .connectionFailed: return NSLocalizedString("A connection to AltServer could not be established.", comment: "") case .connectionDropped: return NSLocalizedString("The connection to AltServer was droppe...
谢谢!我按照你的方法改好了,然后在github随便建了一个项目上传了ipa(因为用Altserver Patcher必须通过链接下载ipa,不能直接从本地安装),可是安装的时候显示“the app could not be found”...我再找找其他办法把 Owner DaidoujiChen commented Mar 12, 2020 @pynnek 謝謝你 不過在 mac 上的也只能裝 AltStor...
烂苹果 1 老哥们,我未越狱安装了altstore,在用patcher后,使用altstore 安装ipa文件总显示this app could not be found怎么办?我有ipa文件 橙子果酱- 烂苹果 1 我下载好的uc0ver导入altstore 他一直说could not find altserver是怎么回事呢altstore登录账号也一直说could not find altserver登录...
解决方案:网络问题,更换网络,链接手机热点,或者挂梯子。 2,进行到最后一步的时候,有提示正在安装,但一直安装失败。 解决方案:重启 3,报错not a number。 解决方案:原因不详,无视,重新操作! 4,报错The app could not be found 解决方案:软件下载链接错误,请仔细核对。
Just like refreshing sideloaded apps in the AltStore app, using the shortcut you’re about to make requires you to be on the sameWi-Finetwork as the macOS or Windows computer you’re using to run AltServer. This also means that the computer and the AltServer program needs to be up and...