AltStore 是一款 iOS 应用程序,允许您仅使用 Apple ID 将其他应用程序(.ipa 文件)侧载到您的 iOS 设备上。AltStore 使用您的个人开发证书重新签名应用程序并将其发送到桌面应用程序 AltServer,后者使用 iTunes WiFi 同步将重新签名的应用程序安装回您的设备。为防止应用程序过期,当与 AltServer 使用同一 WiFi 时,...
AltStore 是一款 iOS 应用程序,允许您仅使用 Apple ID 将其他应用程序(.ipa 文件)侧载到您的 iOS 设备上。AltStore 使用您的个人开发证书重新签名应用程序并将其发送到桌面应用程序 AltServer,后者使用 iTunes WiFi 同步将重新签名的应用程序安装回您的设备。为防止应用程序过期,当与 AltServer 使用同一 WiFi 时,...
️稳定版无需安装Alt store。如何给苹果手机免越狱安装Alt store?通过Windows、Mac电脑给手机安装 Alt store完整教程。 ️Alt Store安装包: 00:00 苹果手机安装altstore教程 01:37 Mac电脑给苹果手机安装altstore 07:23 Windows电脑给iOS安装altstore...
App iOS苹果设备 任天堂游戏全家桶 Delta模拟器终于来了 gxnova再次整活儿 游戏导入 添加图标教程复古玩家狂欢GBA FC SFC N64 NDS 4368 0 04:57 App ios 苹果12测试3ds模拟器 口袋妖怪始源蓝宝石 11.3万 153 03:46 App 安装Delta模拟器后,一定要下载的10款经典GBA游戏 ...
Zeon is a repo extractor that supports the latest iOS versions such as iOS 15, iOS 16 and iOS 17. Even Zeon Repo Extractor is compatible with the latest iPhone 14. Installing Zeon repo on your iPhone is the easiest way to try jailbreak apps, themes, and tweaks with your iPhone....
ipa文件如何安装?ipa文件怎么安装到iphone/ipad,苹果ios ipa 安装教程 3.4万 5 8:44 App what?什么?在iOS17和18上居然可以开启JIT了!SideJIT安装教程来啦! 2602 -- 0:57 App 推荐一款,sidestore苹果自签名,脱离电脑,手机签,而且完全免费浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
How To Fix AltStore iOS 17 Installation Failedon MAC and Windows – General Settings. 1. Hit trust on the device and PC Ensure you hit thetrustbutton on your iPhone once you install AltStore. Also, please ensure the cable and the ports you’re installing on your device are suitable. Most...
Today, Apple released iOS & iPadOS 17 to the general public, unleashing a bevy of new features, interface improvements, and more to iPhone and iPad users. But shortly following that release, theAltStoreTeam came out with a new update of their own: AltServer and AltStore version 1.7. ...
Active Apps” Widget (iOS 17+) View remaining days for ALL active apps from Home Screen Refresh apps directly from home screen by tapping countdown timers Fixes via 1.6.3 Fixed error fetching Friend Zone patrons due to unexpected nil name ...
Also, check herehow to edit messages on iOS 17. Developer mode on iOS 17is required now for the sideloaded apps to work again on your devices. Otherwise, you’ll keep on getting thedeveloper mode required error. If you haven’t installed iOS 17 yet, but when you do in the near future...