恭喜你~~~ 你完成了第一大步也是最重要的一步~ 2. 下载App IPA文件并发送到手机 下载IPA 文件 发送ipa文件到手机 3. 使用AltStore对IPA文件签名 注意:完成签名需要在电脑上打开AltServer 4. 等待签名完成,恭喜你拥有你期望安装的IPA了 5. 重签(可选步骤): 原因:免费个人账户7天后到期 5.1 手动签(和上...
Alstore介绍 AltStore 是一个iOS应用程序,允许您仅使用您的 Apple ID 将其他应用程序(.ipa 文件)旁加载到您的 iOS 设备上。 AltStore 使用您的个人开发证书重新注册应用程序并将它们发送到桌面应用程序 AltServer,后者使用 iTunes WiFi 同步将重新注册的应用程序安装回您的设备。为防止应用程序过期,AltStore 还会在...
How to Install IPA Files using AltStore: First, download the.ipafileof your desired app on your iPhone from ourApps Section. Now it should already show you the Altstore icon ( image below ), so tap and launch AltStore to install the .ipa file. IfStep 2doesn’t work, then tap this ic...
安装好Altstore登录后,下载bk的ipa然后选择其他软件打开选择Altstore然后就可以签了,好像要每七天签一次Altstore,还有四楼和五楼顺序反了,企业证书版里面是bk 来自Android客户端10楼2020-07-14 09:58 收起回复 Huang_hehe 铁杆吧友 9 @囚-鸽 申请精贴 来自Android客户端11楼2020-07-14 10:03 回复 秋月...
This was the method to install Altstore on your device using MAC.Now that you have installed Altstore on your device, let me show you how you can use Altstore to install ipa files on your iphone, ipad or ipod.How to Install iPA Files using Altstore on your iPhone, iPad or iPod...
AlStore + Dirtyc0w support to install unlimited applications. AltStore 1.6.1 update brought no app limit feature.
1 install失败?给众吧友一个建议 失落彩画 换一个软件吧。我之前用alt一段时间,上周想刷新一下应用,死活连不上了,各种重装各种重新授权,尝试一百种方法全都没用,最后换了个软件,立马成功。效率比alt不知道高多少倍 HF0918fancy 18:31 2 使用AltStore安装软件时突然闪退 SAKUYA 安装到一半就闪退了,错误...
I’m just looking forward to the day developers can host their own open source applications and I can just download the IPA and drag-and-drop it to my iPhone in Finder, the same way I install applications on my Mac. Score: 38 Votes (Like | Disagree) scorpio vega 9 months ago Pass....
Kodi doesn't install in iOS when I tried to install with AltStore. Expected Behavior Here is a clear and concise description of what was expected to happen: Kodi expected to run as defined. Actual Behavior I have converted the .deb into .ipa as mentioned in the How-To-Guide and tried ...
to install Delta (an emulator), Clip (a more advanced clipboard manager), UTM (for virtual machines), and a whole lot more. There's evenPojav Launcher, which allows you to play the Java edition of Minecraft on your iPhone. You can also install custom IPA files that you download online...