技嘉R282-P92 Ampere Altra Max ARM低功耗高性能处理器 2U机架式云服务器 双路M128-30 3.0G 256核 32内存/1T固态/集显 更新时间:2024年05月18日 价格 ¥5.80万 起订量 1个起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 发货地 湖北 武汉 颜色 双路Q80-303.0G160核 双路M96-282.8G192核 双路Q72-...
技嘉R282-P92 Ampere Altra Max ARM低功耗高性能处理器 2U机架式云服务器 双路M128-30 3.0G 256核 32内存/1T固态/集显价格 ¥ 57999.00 ¥ 57999.00 起订数 1个起批 1个起批 发货地 湖北武汉 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 AOC U28G2U 28英寸4K高清显示器IPS广色域10.7亿色素垂直升降旋转 ¥ ...
Ampere Altra Max with 64-Bit Multi-Core Processor High Performance and Predictable, Elastic, and Scalable Socket Packages: 4926-Pin FCLGA, with 7 nm process technology Processor 3.00GHz Ampere Altra Max M128-30 128-Core FCLGA4926 16MB System Level Cache 7...
在性能方面,我们在很大程度上将 Ampere Altra Max 的性能比作 AMD EPYC 7763 和 AMD EPYC 7773X 在整数方面的性能。在浮点方面,AMD 速度更快。鉴于此,我们最近测试了 NVIDIA 的 Ampere HPC 开发套件,我们想比较该系统与该系统之间的单插槽 M128-30 性能。 在这里,我们在两个系统之间得到了大约 4.5%(-ish)的...
Ampere Altra Max 96 Cores | 128 Cores 16 MB 32 Controllers Bifurcation to x4 Ampere Altra 系列的常规特性 私有缓存 L2: (每核)1 MB L1: (每核)64K 指令缓存,64K 数据缓存 云原生特性 单线程内核 最高3.0GHz的全核恒定主频 2x128b 向量单元,支持FP16, Int16, Int8 高级电源管理,动态估计,电压下降...
AC7-M128-30 Device Manufacturer Ampere Computing Device Type Applications Processor This report contains the following detailed information: Selected teardown photographs, package photographs, package X-rays, die markings, and die photographs Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) plan-view micrographs showing ...
Supermicro ARS 210M NR Ampere Altra Max M128 30 性能达到基线 我们只想快速展示的是,这些结果都非常接近,但我们确实看到了比我们在没有运行四个 GPU 的 2U 边缘盒上看到的平均值略低的结果。这是结果: Supermicro Ampere Altra Max M128 30 性能
For the Altra Max, this means that it’s seeing performance increases from 38% to 45% - massive upgrades compared to the already impressive Q80-33.The 45% increase in 548.exchange2_r is essentially almost perfect linear scaling with the core count and frequencies; although the M128-30 has...
The unit we’re testing today, the flagship Altra Max M128-30, with 128 cores and a 3.0GHz clock (again, noteworthy congratulations of Ampere’s straightforward and descriptive part naming), with a maximum TDP of 250W. Much like the first-generation parts, platform side features are all ...
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