Senior Analyst John Grady covers network security at TechTarget's Enterprise Strategy Group. Enterprise Strategy Group is a division of TechTarget. Its analysts have business relationships with technology vendors.
Accenture acquired Advoco, a systems integrator that specializes in Infor's enterprise asset management (EAM) SaaS product suite. Accenture plans to make Advoco's Greenville, S.C., office a center of excellence for Infor EAM. Advoco joins Accenture's Industry X group in the U.S. Since 2...
上周,业界知名下一代防火墙厂商Palo Alto Networks在中国正式发布了其下一代安全平台PAN-OS 8.0版本的新增功能。此次版本更新共有70多个全新安全功能引入,覆盖凭证泄露、恶意软件分析、云安全等领域。 今年2月初,安全牛发布过一篇关于此次版本更新和硬件升级(提高对SSL流量的解密分析性能)的简短报道(《Palo Alto 大动...
Enterprise Strategy Group(ESG)資深首席分析師兼院士 Jon Oltsik 表示:「網絡安全社群的協作對防禦進階攻擊至關重要。當機構分享最佳的實踐、工具和流程,大家都會受益。SOAR 系統已經整合和自動化關鍵的流程及技術,現時 Cortex XSOAR Marketplace 將進一步擴大 SOAR 社群平台的價值,讓 SOAR 平台對所有人都更有效益。...
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Alto Tech Service We are pleased to provide technical support on all of our products. If your question is a general technical question, please refer to theAutomatic Transmission Rebuilders AssociationorAutomatic Transmission Service Groupto help find your answer....
SD-WAN only became a serious offering for Palo Alto in 2020 with theacquisition of CloudGenix. Since then, the company has acquired The Crypsis Group for incident response and Expanse for attack surface management technology, all in an effort to become a SASE vendor. The range of product...