对应版本:(1.12) 插件作者:Altoholic 插件来源:Altoholic 最后更新:2023-07-12 10:17:21 插件简介:1.12 全角色信息统计Altoholic 功能介绍安装说明历史版本 最新版本:1.12 1.12 全角色信息统计Altoholic 0 分享到: 谢谢你的参与 亲,没有更多评论哟 作者简介 ...
Altoholic is an add-on written for people who dedicate most of their time to leveling alts, and who want to have as much information as possible in one place. About the add-on: The add-on has been in development since December 2007 and was officially released in late March 2008. It pr...
Altoholic全角色物品信息统计支持6.2.2版本游戏,在一个界面内显示玩家所有的游戏信息,像专业技能、金钱、背包银行、公会银行、公会成员等信息,非常有用的插件。 使用说明 1.解压缩 2.复制文件夹到world of warrcraft\interface\addons文件夹内 3.在人物选择页面插件按钮勾选加载过期插件,并且勾选新加入的插件名 4...
178魔兽世界 NGA 游戏讨论 副本&资料 冒险心得 职业 插件&宏 幻化&宠物 剧情&创作 背包存储 当前评分:96.7 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 33999 最后更新:2022-11-25 04:27 插件大小:20.56kb 最新版本号:v1.09 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:DarthPredator...
L["WoW Collector Edition"] = "魔兽世界收藏版" L["Wrathbringer Laz-tarash"] = "天罚使者拉塔莱什" L["Wrath of Spellfire"] = "魔焰之怒" L["Yor (Heroic Summon)"] = "尤尔(英雄模式召唤)" L[ [=[You have received an account sharing request from %s%s|r, accept it?]=] ] = [=[你...
I’ve trouble letting go of my chars, even those at a low(er) level that haven’t been played in a long time. I tell myself that I’ll play them, eventually–and that I’ll lose good names, which has happened; still, I want t…
This is a (manual) git mirror of WoW addon "altoholic". Official repository is at http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/altoholic/repositories/mainline/packager/ - Blaming altoholic-mirror/Altoholic_Summary/Data/Suggestions_zhTW.lua at master · kimhyunkang/a
There is such a thing as too much WoW, for me concentrating on 2 level 80s with a couple as 'side' projects and some lower level alts for fun and a change keeps me occupied without burning out. No wonder people complain that the game is boring if they are running the same raids 10...
WOW InterfaceBack文件丢失 interface是插件文件夹 有后缀的都可以不要 比如你这个back 丢失不影响游戏 桂林旅游_2023年桂林游记攻略 想找到桂林好玩景点又便宜的地方,试试网红新玩法-半自由行,路线定制广告 interface vlan 1 interface 就是界面的意思 vlan 1 是你创建的vlan ID 进去配置vlan1 wow的interfaceback文件...