Licensing: The license is 'All Rights Reserved'. Distribution of modifications/branches is not authorized. If you want something into the add-on, or if you developed a small improvement, just ask nicely, and I'll add it. Current Issues: 10.2.013 : Account sharing is not working. Credits:...
if not L then return end L["28 Slot"] = "28格" L["32 Keys Max"] = "最大32格" L["Abyssal Council"] = "深渊议会" L["Accessories"] = "配件" L["Account"] = "账号" L["Account Name"] = "账户名称" L["Account Sharing"] = "账户共享" L["Account Sharing Enabled"] = "启...
Re: Altoholic Alts are not a bad thing man just you like thegame that much me prosonally I have: 80 Pally 80 Hunter 71 DK 70 Priest 60 Shaman Druid Warriorand workingon asof right nowanotherDruid on Allianceside with my RAF partner(good friend of mine) Also have...
["Leatherworking"]] = { { 35, "1-35: 輕型護甲片\n(1x輕皮)x35" }, { 55, "36-55: 熟化輕毛皮\n(1x輕毛皮/1x鹽)x20" }, { 80, "56-80: 雕花皮靴\n(8x輕皮/5x粗線)x15" }, { 85, "81-85: 優質皮帶\n(6x輕皮/2x粗線)x5" }, { 90, "86-90: 優質皮外套\n(3x熟化輕...
["Leatherworking"]] = { { 35, "1-35: 輕型護甲片\n(1x輕皮)x35" }, { 55, "36-55: 熟化輕毛皮\n(1x輕毛皮/1x鹽)x20" }, { 80, "56-80: 雕花皮靴\n(8x輕皮/5x粗線)x15" }, { 85, "81-85: 優質皮帶\n(6x輕皮/2x粗線)x5" }, { 90, "86-90: 優質皮外套\n(3x熟化...