We use all together to indicate that the members of a group perform or undergo an action collectively: The nations stood all together. The prisoners were herded all together. All together is used only in sentences that can be rephrased so that all and together may be separated by other ...
示例:There are altogether ten people in our group.(我们组总共有十个人。) 二、详细区别 语境差异 当强调集体行动或共同经历时,更倾向于使用“together”。例如:“They danced together at the wedding.”(他们在婚礼上一起跳舞。) 而当需要表达总数或整体情况时,则更适合使用“altogether”。例如:“The cost...
All together是一个短语,指的是一群人在一起组成的一个群体。 比如: But at this climax we were all together. 但是,在这最紧要的关头,我们是同舟共济的。 Well, are we all together? Like in a group? 我们都在一起吗,像个团队一样? altogether Altogether则是一个副词,意思是“整体,总之,总共,或...
all together意思是“in a group”。如:We put the sheep all together in one field.这两个词还可以分开。We put all the sheep together in one field. altogether, all together altogether总计,总共。如:Altogether there are six of us. (我们总计六人。) all together全都在一起。如:We played the ...
All together和Altogether,发音几乎听不出区别,然而用法却有不同,你能分清吗? All together All together的意思是所有人、所有事物一起。 eg: It’s time to sing. All together now! 该唱歌了,所有人一起! The last time we were all together was in 1999. 我们所有人上一次聚在一起还是1999年。 Put ...
欢迎大家来到==中考英语必备词组==节目,这里每天更新,以字母排列为顺序,每天讲解1~2 个词组,随后搭配练习,帮助大家轻松有效地掌握初中英语必备词组!那么我们就进入这一期的节目吧! all together 一起 When people or things are all together, they are together in a group. 【例句】 I keep my books all ...
When people or things are all together, they are together in a group. 【例句】 I keep my books all together, so they're easy to find. 我把我的书都放在一起,所以很容易找到。 【注意】 不要和altogether混淆,他们是完全不同的。 altogether 完全地;总共 What a lot of students! How many are...
Usage Note:Altogetherandall togetherdo not mean the same thing. We useall togetherto indicate that the members of a group perform or undergo an action collectively:The nations stood all together. The prisoners were herded all together. All togetheris used only in sentences that can be rephrased...
all together意思是“in a group”。如:We put the sheep all together in one field.这两个词还可以分开。We put all the sheep together in one field. altogether, all together altogether总计,总共。如:Altogether there are six of us. (我们总计六人。) all together全都在一起。如:We played the ...
高三英语一轮词汇复习:课标3000词group3(altogether-application)---成长的烦恼 一、单词识记(组词) 1.?altogether:inthealtogether(一丝不挂;裸体) 2.?always:alwaysready(随时候命);alwaysthecase(总是这样) 3.?a.m.:8a.m.(上午8点) 4.?amateur:amateurathlete(业余运动员) 5.?amazing:anamazingdiscovery...