萨克斯有多种类型和大小,可以分为四个主要系列:Sopranino、Soprano、Alto和Tenor。本文将介绍这四个系列的详细分类。 Sopranino Sopranino是最小的萨克斯,通常被称为“小号”。它的音域比其他类型的萨克斯都要高,通常是Bb调或Eb调。由于其小尺寸和高音域,它很少在管弦乐队中使用,并且只有少数独奏家会使用它。然而,在...
Classic - MKTO (Piano-Vocal-Guitar (Piano Accompaniment))Vocals, Piano Classic - MKTOVoice (other), Synthesizer, Bass Guitar Show lessView all The best way to learn and play "Classic – MKTO (SSATB)" by MKTO With MuseScore Premium membership, you get full viewing access to this score, p...
RockPopA CapellaVocalsSopranoAltoTenorBass VoiceDrum GroupRock for SopranoPop for Soprano This score is based on Believer by Imagine Dragons Other versions of this composition Imagine Dragons - Believer (Drum score) Solo Drum Group 188 votes Believer for acapella (SATTB) [Pentatonix Style] Mixed ...
About Alto & Tenor Horns In difference to other musical instruments the Alto & Tenor Horns can trace its definite roots to the Belgian instrument expert Adolphe Sax. This can be proven conclusively from the saxotromba patent which cites the soprano voice tuned in Eb evolving into to Bb and fu...
Alto, Baritone, Bass Voice Book $14.95 Practical Vocal Method for Soprano or Tenor (High Voice) By Niccolo Vaccai Soprano, Tenor Voice Book $10.95 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Elementary Teaching, Opus 92 By Ferdinand Sieber Soprano Voice Book $7.95 Twenty Elementary and Progres...
2.1Lower Range 2.2Upper Range Alto, contralto, or mezzo-soprano? Contraltoand alto are not the same term. Technically,"alto" is not a voice typebut a designated vocal line in choral music based on vocal range. The range of the alto part in choral music is usually more similar to that ...
中外名曲萨克斯五重奏26首6,Alto Sax.1分谱,Alto Sax.2分谱,Baritone Sax.分谱,Soprano Sax.分谱,Tenor Sax.分谱,总谱 作者:唐昌祺出版社:西南交通大学出版社 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥53.91 定价 ¥68.00 配送至 河北唐山市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“墨语新趣图书专营店”发货,并提供...
在Apple Music 上欣赏理查德 · 希科克斯, 伦敦交响乐团, 马丁 · 希尔, 阿尔弗雷达 · 霍奇森 & 伊丽莎白 · 盖尔的《Spring Symphony, Op. 44, Pt. 1: Spring, the Sweet Spring (Soprano, Alto, Tenor)》。1990年。时长:1:47
1.A low female singing voice; a contralto. 2.A countertenor. 3. a.The range between soprano and tenor. b.A singer whose voice lies within this range. c.An instrument that sounds within this range. d.A vocal or instrumental part written in this range. ...
七月班八月班13/0707:00 ~ 08:00 P.M.每週一課 每課一小時 全期八課 收費 720 $A 班 逢星期三€牧童笛分為 Sopranino、Soprano、Alto、Tenor 和分 German 和 Baroque 兩種指法。牧童笛攜帶方便 價格便宜 只要稍加練習 就可吹奏出美妙旋律 非常適合小朋友學習。 而當中再Bass註 1 以上課程能夠函接英國...