The meaning of ALTO TENOR is a boy's voice during the changing period which, while encompassing a limited tenor range, is neither alto nor tenor in tone quality and range.
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ALTO meaning: 1 : a singing voice that is lower than the voice of a soprano and higher than the voice of a tenor; 2 : a singer having such a voice
phrasecontratenor altus, used in medieval polyphony, usually to describe the highest of three parts, the line of which was in counterpoint (in other words, against = contra) with the tenor (which "held" the main melody; this word itself originates in the Latin verbtenere, meaning "to ...
It is succeeded by the Tenor Card and the Soprano Card. Names in other languages[edit] Language Name Meaning Japanese アルトカード[?]Aruto Kādo Alto Card Chinese 女低音卡片[?]Nǚ Dīyīn Kǎpiàn Contralto Card Dutch Altkaart[?] Alt(o)-card French Carte Alto[?] Alto card ...
Over his 45-years playing brass instruments, he has also played tenor horn (alto horn in the US), euphonium, and trombone. 2018 IHS Honorees Raoul Camus (retired, Queensborough Community College; director emeritus, Queens Symphonic Band) played alto horn, and was the arranger for Fireman's ...
ALTO meaning: 1 : a singing voice that is lower than the voice of a soprano and higher than the voice of a tenor; 2 : a singer having such a voice
In the tenor clef, middle C is located on the fourth line from the bottom. What are the notes on the alto clef? The notes of the alto clef (from bottom to top) are F-G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G. Each note is represented by either a line or a space on the alto clef musical staff....
1784年,“男高音”,字面意思是“高”,来自意大利语alto (canto),源自拉丁语altus“高”(字面意思是“长高”,来自原始印欧语根*al-(2) “生长,滋养”)。最初指男性的高音;现在更常用于女性声音的低音范围(更严格来说是contralto),这一扩展在1848年得到了证实。之所以如此称呼,是因为其音高高于tenor,在古老音乐...
tenor(n.) 大約1300年,“一般意義,普遍趨勢,目的,意圖”來自古法語 tenor “實質,內容,意義,感覺; 音樂中的男高音部分”(13世紀現代法語 teneur),源自拉丁語 tenorem(主格 tenor)“一條路線”,最初是“連續,不間斷的路線,持續”,源自 tenere “持有”,源自 PIE 詞根 *ten- “拉伸”。英語中“高男聲”的...