Stan Rams纯萨克斯管样本(Pure Saxophone sample by Stan Rams) 中音萨克斯管独奏 萨克斯男中音-C#3(Sax Baritone - C#3) 中音萨克斯90BPM厘米2 独奏(Alto sax 90bpm Cm 2 solo) 萨克斯男高音# 大音阶断音(Sax Tenor - A# Major - scale-bad-rithm-staccato)...
【爵士練習】AltoSax:轉錄Marc Russo - Homecoming, solo (Yellowjackets 1988) 2021-06-27 07:09 【爵士練習】即興:NkHm.mpv21 - Harmonised Major Scale exercises, All Instruments 2021-06-27 63:17 Zakir Hussain, Rakesh Chaurasia - EtnoKraków, 2015 印度竹笛.Tabla 2021-06-27 23:36 【製作課堂】錄...
from the Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.Part of the Goodsounds dataset of monophonic instrumental sounds. instrument::sax_altonote::Fmicrophone::neumann U87tuning reference::442.0goodsoundsid::6784mode::natural minor Intentionally played as an example of scalebadtimbrelegato...
instrument::sax_altonote::Amicrophone::neumann U87tuning reference::442.0goodsoundsid::6739mode::major Intentionally played as an example of scalebadpitchstaccato 标签: goodsounds AsharpMajor sax neumannU87 scale alto ——— 类似的声音 ——— 萨克斯中音阶梯(演奏得不好) " 萨克斯中音阶梯A大调音阶...
Unit 6: Experimenting with Major Scales Unit 7: Advancing with Minor Scales Unit 8: Embellishing with Chromatic Notes Unit 9: Putting It All Together Unit 10: Coming to Terms Unit 11: THAT'S COOL! Unit 12: Learning Dominant Seventh Chords ...
Unit 6: Experimenting with Major Scales Unit 7: Advancing with Minor Scales Unit 8: Embellishing with Chromatic Notes Unit 9: Putting It All Together Unit 10: Coming to Terms Unit 11: THAT'S COOL! Unit 12: Learning Dominant Seventh Chords ...
project from the Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.Part of the Goodsounds dataset of monophonic instrumental sounds. instrument::sax_altonote::Dmicrophone::neumann U87tuning reference::442.0goodsoundsid::6724mode::major Intentionally played as an example of scalebadpitch...
instrument::sax_altonote::Dmicrophone::neumann U87tuning reference::442.0goodsoundsid::6871mode::major Intentionally played as an example of scalebadarticulation 标签: goodsounds sax neumannU87 DsharpMajor scale alto ——— 类似的声音 ——— 萨克斯中音阶梯(演奏得不好) " 萨克斯中音阶梯D大调音阶不...
描述:在巴塞罗那Universitat Pompeu Fabra音乐技术集团的goodsounds.org项目的背景下录制。单音乐器声音的Goodsound数据集。 instrument :: sax_altonote :: Gmicrophone :: neumann U87调整参考:: 442.0goodsoundsid :: 6832mode :: natural minor Tag:好声音萨克斯纽曼-U87Gminor规模中音 ...