We have reached an agreement in principle for Sam Altman to return to OpenAI as CEO with a new initial board of Bret Taylor (Chair), Larry Summers, and Adam D'Angelo.We are collaborating to figure out the details. Thank you so much for your patience through this.上周六OpenAI董事局宣布解...
从这里也能看出,真正让Altman不可替代的,是OpenAI顶级科学家对他的无限忠诚。他们,才是OpenAI的中流砥柱,也是ChatGPT的核心贡献者。金主之怒 据彭博社报道,微软CEO纳德拉对于董事会的行为非常愤怒。据悉,他在事件爆发后一直和Altman保持着联系,并且保证会支持他。要知道,微软是OpenAI最大的投资者,投入了130亿...
Sam Altman, the deposed chief of tech firm OpenAI, is reportedly in talks to return less than three days after the board sacked him. Altman, one of the co-founders of OpenAI, which developedChatGPT,was dismissed on Friday. OpenAI said the move followed a "deliberative review process by ...
OpenAI announced on Tuesday its co-founder Sam Altman will return as CEO, days after he was fired by the board.More A woman surnamed Li, one of the protesters who alleged brake failures of Tesla cars at the Shanghai ...
OpenAI 在不到两个月的时间里积累了 1 亿用户。尽管 ChatGPT 有时会给出愚蠢的回应,但是人们看到了它的可能性。 伊利亚说:“(自此以后)通用人工智能不再是机器学习领域人人避之不及的一个词。人们之前采取的态度是:人工智能行不通,每一步都非常困难,你必须为一点点的进步而战。但是有了 ChatGPT,开始变得不...
有网友在评论区调侃,“从开放式人工智能(OpenAI)变成了开放式工作岗位(Open to work)”。 就在不久前,OpenAI以1000万美元天价年薪挖角谷歌,部分员工就是从谷歌、Meta等大型科技企业挖来的。可以说,Altman在人才招聘方面发挥了关键作用。 有不少媒体猜测,大批员工的流失可能会对未来OpenAI的发展造成阻碍,甚至对AI领域...
这些OpenAI核心员工对于Altman的支持,似乎在告诉董事会,开了他,OpenAI很有可能面临大量的员工流失。 而这些人,正是OpenAI能够走到今天,成为科技圈最受瞩目,甚至能够改变科技行业未来的公司中的中流砥柱。 为了安抚员工,OpenAI和Altman展开了复职谈判之后,OpenAI高管在一份发给员工的备忘录中称,他们对Altman和Brockman的回...
One of OpenAI’s other big investors, Thrive Capital, called the return of Altman “the best outcome for the company, its employees, those who build on their technologies, and the world at large.” “OpenAI has the potential to be one of the most consequential companies in the history of...
As part of the agreement to bring Altman back, he had agreed he would not return to the board, said the person. OpenAI did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the terms of his reinstatement. With the “support” of the new OpenAI board, Altman said he looked forward to...