Where the Nanoboard3000 is able to accept instructions to program to the flash, any non-altium fpga board I connect does not have that option, and I can only program the actual fpga using the USB JTAG Adapter made by Altium. So I have migrated across to Quartus and the forums and...
Donateware : Offer : Offer : === Other items to offer : Buy local , helps Australian grows Offer : Buy local , helps Australian grows Offer : ===... 是一个CAT文件类型,它主要用于驱动程序对文件的校验,当运行或安装驱动程序时,系统利用CAT文件的信息,对每一个驱动程序文件校验(校验:文件是否完整,数字签名是否被篡改,等等)。 在没有为设备安装驱动程序之前,操作系统是无法直接操控设备的,系统必须使用驱动程序对硬件设备发出对应的指令,才能操作各种...
Altium 3000-series Nano Board 产品概述说明书 Your Electronic Engineering Resource Altium's 3000-series Nano Board Product Overview:Each of Altium's 3000-series NanoBoards is a 242 x 176mm (9.5" x 6.9") six layer printed circuit board (4 x signal, 2 x plane), powered by an external...
prototype onto a production board, and a nightmare has unfolded. Where the Nanoboard3000 is able to accept instructions to program to the flash, any non-altium fpga board I connect does not have that option, and I can only program the actual fpga using the USB JTAG Adapter made by Altium...