AD16.1 imp..点击tools的inport 3D Model按钮打开.step文件后过一段时间弹出来一个对话框然后点击ok后又会弹出来下面这个对话框我注意到了第一个对话框里的那个OCCWrapper.dll这个文件
使用AD软件设计时,当打开之前做好的PCB并移动里面的元器件时就会显示弹出一个Cannot load 3d model的对话框。 解决方法如下:方法一:1. 打开出问题元件所在的库(*.libpk ...
Altiumdesigner PCB打开时会提示“Can not load 3D model”错误,如何解决?答:使用AD软件设计时,当...
Once you create your 3D model for your custom components, your PCB design program needs a comprehensive component management tool that is compatible with your 3D models. The lack of an integrated component information system for managing your component models forces your organization to adopt ad hoc...
我这个是在AD16版本的PCB元件库上添加自己画的3D 模型,弹框报 Cannot load 3D model from file !,各种折腾不行,后来想是不是路径中有中文的原因,直接把画的3D模型导出到全英文不带空格的路径文件夹下面,再导入,就没问题了。 外国写的软件我估计50%的故障都是由于中文路径导致。... ...
Create electronic designs from schematic capture to final design documentation and manufacturing files – all in one intuitive interface and unified data model. Wire Bonding Integrated Analysis 3D-MID Design Start Free TrialExplore Pricing Collaborate ...
You can also click the Symbol, Footprint and 3D Model images to view them in more detail.6. If you receive the following message, then you will need to create a new or open an existing schematic (*.SchDoc) before clicking the ADD TO DESIGN button....
1 本次操作做为0805电阻封装添加3D模型,以此为例,对AD09/18的操作讲解。打开建立好的PCB封装库文件。 2 电机菜单栏中的Place,选择Place菜单栏下的3D Body。 3 点击3D Body后,09版本出现3D Body对话框,1选择Generic STEP Mode。2点击Embed STEP Model。 点击3D Body后,18版本会出现一个绿色的十字,此时按下...
类似增加元件封装,选择 “Add simulation”, 弹出加载对话框,在“model kind” 选项中选择 “transistor”, 在“model name”中输入 NPN,(对应与NPN.mdl 文件)在“description”中加入描述。点击OK 这样simulation 模块就加好了。图7。如没有spice 模型,可以选择 “create…” 按钮手工添加一个模型。
You can also click the Symbol, Footprint and 3D Model images to view them in more detail.6. If you receive the following message, then you will need to create a new or open an existing schematic (*.SchDoc) before clicking the ADD TO DESIGN button....