Is there any catch if I've copied the Token Secret to a Word doc and then copied it back out? Thanks! 0 eccl318 7 - Meteor 02-01-2022 01:03 PM URL: // Site: mycompanyname Once you enter your token info the Connect button will activate. Once you...
If the return value is true, the tool should not send records downstream. The UpdateMode function returns one of a blank string, 'Quick', or 'Full'. The DesignerVersion function returns the version of Designer being run. If run in a unit test context, it returns the value 'TestHarness'...
I then put a union tool and joined all 3 lines from the join output into the union tool. when I place the browse tool after the union tool, all my cells appeared [Null], basically everything was blank. can someone guide me as how do I do a vlookup and create an additional column ...
It's almost as if ... the 'FileBrowse' widget isn't ready to return text because the tool hasn't displayed yet. When I install the tool and drag it onto the canvas, the configuration area is blank, whereas before (without the 'FileBrowse' widget) the other fields were showing up in...