update-alternatives --display editor 可以看到我的机器上的所有可以用来被 editor 链接的命令。 2)--config。这个选项使我们可以选择其中一个命令程序来作为editor,执行: update-alternatives --config editor 首先,update-alternatives 在一般情况下是由postinst 和 prerm 这样的安装脚本自动调用的,所以一个 alternativ...
例如,当我们写一个脚本程序时,只要写下 editor,而不希望要为“编辑器是哪个”而操心。Debian 提供了一种机制来解决这个问题,而 update-alternatives 就是用来实现这种机制的。 一、查看java命令可选的命令 root@ubuntu:~#update-alternatives--display java java-manual mode link currently points to/usr/lib/jvm/...
update-alternatives --auto editor general name -- 这是指一系列功能相似的程序的“公用”名字(包括绝对路径),比如 /usr/bin/editor。 link -- 这是指一个 alternative 在 /etc/alternative 中的名字,比如 editor。 alternative -- 顾名思义,这是指一个可选的程序所在的路径(包括绝对路径),比如 /usr/bin/...
例如:sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /bin/nano 40 执行命令后会自动启用priority高的链接。 若没有自动启用,则可以执行sudoupdate-alternatives --config editor 从链接组中启用priority高的链接。 验证新增的链接符是否成功:update-alternatives --display editor editor - auto mode link...
--- 1 /bin/ed 2 /usr/bin/nvi 3 /bin/nano *+ 4 /usr/bin/vim 5 /usr/bin/emacs21 Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 4 Using `/usr/bin/vim' to provide `editor'. natsu:/home/herbert# 我并没有修改它,因为我还是比较喜欢 vim 的。 当然,你可以选择别的...
Editor's Notes: Previously teased as theShark-A-Don or Sharkidon (mainly for borrowing from both Nike'sSharkandAir Zoom Spiridonsilhouette), the Zoom Field Jaxx has finally arrived. If you're a fan of hook and loop closures (velcro straps) and Cactus Jack overall, be sure to pick these...
8 Interesting ‘Vi/Vim’ Editor Tips and Tricks for Every Linux Administrator – Part 2 How to Enable Syntax Highlighting in Vi/Vim Editor 2. Nano Editor Nanois an open-sourcecommand line-based text editorfor Unix-like Operating Systems. It was modeled after part ofPine‘s email client and...
It also has a “drag-and-drop” editor, which means you can design your pop-ups without being a computer expert. Plus, they have “A/B testing, which lets you try different versions to see which one works best. What you’ll like ...
While Poptin is relatively new, it’s worth noting that it’s regularly updated. It means you can expect ongoing improvements and enhancements to the tool’s capabilities and features. What you’ll like: Straightforward editor with versatile customization choices ...
4.3. Set Back to Auto Mode Let’s switch theeditor‘s alternatives back to auto mode. So, we can useconfigonce again and select zero.However, we can use theautocommand as well: $ sudo update-alternatives --auto editor update-alternatives: using /bin/nano to provide /usr/bin/editor (ed...