This is bad news for joint pain sufferers, but GREAT NEWS for the joint replacement industry. There are more than 1 million knee and hip replacement surgeries performed in the U.S. every year.[vii] And the numbers keep increasing every year. In fact, it’s expected to topFOUR MILLIONby...
On-package, in-store, and digital media promotion for PBDAs emphasize is on how these new products are distinct enough from dairy to meet consumer concerns while similar enough to deliver the experience people anticipate and serve as a straight replacement [4]. Dairy goods are starting to ...
Assistive devicescan help take the stress off inflamed joints and protect them from injury. For example, if you have an inflamed knee or hip joint, consider using a cane on the opposite side to reduce weight on the joint and improve stability. You might also consider pens, toothbrushes, and...