Desktop APIs- this is the big one that would be expensive to achieve from scratch. Electron doesn’t just use Node as a general-purpose programming environment; it also ships a set of cross-platform APIs for interacting with the desktop OS for tasks like copying to clipboard, changin...
Apart from this, there's some stigma around Electron. People are complaining about memory-hungry apps while attributing their high resource usage to the framework. Sometimes they don't know that a certain app is built on Electron even they're happily using it (for example, VSCode). Related W...
DISCONTINUED.Build cross platform GUI apps with GO and HTML/JS/CSS (powered by Electron) systray 8.72.3qt VS systray a cross platfrom Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area gallium 8.70.0qt VS gallium Build desktop applications in Go and HTML. ...
Cross browser Testing: Cypress supports running tests on Edge, Firefox, and Chrome-family browsers like Electron. Limitations of Cypress Programming Language: Cypress Supports only JavaScript/Typescript. Multiple Tab: Cypress does not support multiple tabs or the ability to switch to Parent...
DISCONTINUED.A little Python library for making simple Electron-like HTML/JS GUI apps [Moved to:] Mesop 7.89.9Tkinter VS Mesop Rapidly build AI apps in Python Toga 7.89.9L5Tkinter VS Toga A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit. ...
iOStvOSNode.jsRestify.NETConnect JavaFlutterPHPAndroid.NET CoreCordova EmberElixirPythonCASP.NETDjango LaravelGoRailsC++ASP.NET (Framework)Drupal Java SpringJavaReactminidumpASP.NET MVCElectron .NETLog4j 2RubyCocos2d-xConsole appsElixir Node JSLogbackSinatraElectronNancyEmber ...
Kernel - A super small and fast Electron client mod with the most capability, also you need to install a Discord Utilities package to block trackers. Replugged - A continuation of the deprecated client mod Powercord. WebCord - A Discord and Fosscord API-less client made with the Electron....
DISCONTINUED.A little Python library for making simple Electron-like HTML/JS GUI apps [Moved to:] Mesop 7.89.9kivy VS Mesop Rapidly build AI apps in Python Toga 7.89.9L5kivy VS Toga A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit. ...
For Vue 3, go to core 307 46,142 9.9 TypeScript Quasar Framework VS core 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. (by vuejs) antd 219 91,512 10.0 TypeScript Quasar Framework VS antd ...
iOStvOSNode.jsRestify.NETConnect JavaFlutterPHPAndroid.NET CoreCordova JavaScriptElixirPythonCASP.NETDjango LaravelGoRailsC++ASP.NET (Framework)Drupal MacOSJavaReactminidumpASP.NET MVCElectron Microsoft .NETLog4j 2RubyCocos2d-xConsole appsElixir