centos下使用该命令:sudo alternatives --display hadoop-0.20-conf ,提示:sudo: alternatives:command not found 问题原因:找不到alternatives命令,因为/etc/profile/下的path 不包括该命令所在位置的路径/usr/sbin。解决方法:sudo nano /etc/profile ,在文件中path后面加上:/usr/sbin(注意前面有个冒号,以与前面的...
当你遇到错误 "sudo: update-alternatives: command not found" 时,这通常意味着 update-alternatives 命令没有正确安装在你的系统上,或者其可执行文件没有被包含在环境变量 PATH 中。下面我将分步骤帮助你解决这个问题: 确认用户环境及操作系统: update-alternatives 是Debian 和基于 Debian 的 Linux 发行版(如 Ubu...
使用绝对路径执行,或者把/usr/sbin 加到环境变量PATH下。检查指令文件是否设置了可执行属性
update-alternatives: command not found you may try installing below package as per your choice of distribution. update-alternatives Command Examples 1. Add a symbolic link: $ sudo update-alternatives --install path/to/symlink command_name path/to/command_binary priority 2. Configure a symbolic lin...
代码语言:javascript 复制 # javac-bash:javac:command not found 原因是我们只对java命令做了版本管理。 事实上,update-alternatives的原理是软链管理,可以处理目录。那么我们就可以把整个软件包目录都纳入管理。 首先清理掉原来配置的java命令配置。 代码语言:javascript...
While all iOS browsers use the same core rendering engine as Safari, many of them offer additional functions useful in business. Here are a handful of Safari alternatives to test drive.
Provides a simple GUI interface to allow me to map X domain/subdomain to Y port on Z client, and proxy all connections to that domain. So far I haven't found a tool that does all of this. In particular, while some of them can do automatic certs through Let's Encrypt, none of the...
There will not be a need for external proxies. It will make use of native-client to connect directly to SSH servers. It includes an alpha SFTP command-line client. Verdict:Chrome provides a stand-alone SSH client. For Chrome OS, it will act as an app and for other platforms, it will...
The terminal shows that Nautilus is present on this system. In case Nautilus is not preinstalled on the system, the output prints the following message: Run the following command to install the Nautilus file manager: sudo apt install nautilus ...
Can be hosted for free on GitHub Pages, making it cost-effective for those familiar with Markdown, SVN, Git, and command-line tools. Cons of Jekyll: Requires knowledge of command-line tools and coding (HTML, CSS, Markdown), making it less beginner-friendly. Not suitable for sites needing...