For now, we’d like to bring your attention to the benefits of Able2Extract Professional. Here’s a quick breakdown why Able2Extract Pro is a top Adobe® Acrobat® alternative: Perpetual licence - no subscription required With Able2Extract, you get to own the program, not rent it. Per...
There were alternative methods of travel available. 有另外的旅行方式可采用。 3 形容词 Alternative is used to describe something that is different from the usual things of its kind, or the usual ways of doing something, in modern Western society. For example, an alternative lifestyle does not...
For those in the Linux community,WPS Officeis one of the best free office suites available. Not only does it provide a contemporary and attractive user interface, but it’s also faster and more lightweight than its competitors. In addition to offering word processing, spreadsheet functions, as ...
1. different, other, substitute, alternate There were alternative methods of transport available. 2. unconventional, unusual, alternate (U.S.), abnormal, irregular, off-the-wall (slang), unorthodox, heterodox, uncustomary Grunge percolated in the alternative music scene of Seattle. 3. substitute,...
had no way of using it, and constant crashes were witnessed by them without any solution or fix. A customer can be seen asking support for help as they used Act! 16 and Windows 10 was not compatible with it, and they asked for a fix. The support did not offer any good solutions, ...
“The integration into word-press, although appearing simple, is a little tricky, and possibly some validation errors are happening with certain WordPress themes.” In conclusion, Vtiger is still lacking some of the mandatory features and third-party integrations that any customer would look for in...
The signature tool and the option to export watermark-free PDFs as Word docs, Excel files, PowerPoints, or ePub files were the standout features for me. It’s also worth noting that Acrobat's free version doesn’t actually allow you to add a signature to a read-only PDF. 4 The ...
stocks outperformed bonds 84% of the time. Moreover, the windows where stocks lagged bonds for a decade or more were clearly clustered around periods where stocks started with extremely high valuations (like now). I discuss the drivers behind these historical trends in more detail in my Asset ...
6. (Logic) logic another word for disjunctive3 alˈternatively adv alˈternativeness n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 al•ter•na•tive (ɔlˈtɜ...
PDFs are remembered to protect one important trait of any document, its format. PDFs became popular because they were able to sustain the formatting of any document and keep it intact across every platform. The PDF format allowed businesses to show well-organized and structured files to their ...